If you'd like to see these photos bigger, click on them. Spectacular… YES… but MILD? Maybe. What do you think? The most common description of Sedona weather is "four mild seasons." That's the cliché (with which I happen to agree)… but it's also kind of a local joke. I mean, what if you're an Eskimo? Or Bushman from the Kalahari? FOUR MILLION people visit Sedona AZ each year, from all over the world… Each, with their own different perspective on the what "moderate" means… Sedona Arizona Weather: The SeasonsWINTER: It snows a few times during the winter, but (usually) melts away by mid-day. If you're up early enough, you can enjoy a stunningly lovely, fairy-book kind of scenery.
Mid-day temperatures are usually in the 50's, but occasionally stay in the low 30's. Nights are consistently in the 30's. NOTE: For our ° C friends, the range is -1° to 13° C. SPRING: In spring, there are cool days and very warm days. And lots and lots of flowers in bloom. Early spring temperatures range from the 30's still, up to the 70's and by late spring we're well into warming up, with high 70's - 80's. (Early Range: 0 to 23° C; Late Spring Highs: 21 to 28° C) SUMMER: Summer is consistently warm, usually in the high 80's to mid 90's °F (around 27 to 35 ° C). And, in late July - August, there are a few weeks of spectacular "monsooning." It rains for an a few minutes or a few hours each day, and the warmth and cool combine for impressive thunder and lightning shows. Then stops, suddenly, and dries out quickly. AUTUMN: During fall, the daytime temperatures are mid 70's - 80's °F (20 to 30 ° C). This is when lots of trees radiate vibrant yellows and oranges, especially around Oak Creek Canyon, and visually pop off the red rocks and evergreens that frame them. Sedona Arizona Weather FactsWe figure, that for your visit, it's how you see it that counts. Following are links to get the full facts about Sedona weather on detailed, easy-to-read charts: Current Conditions & Forecast | Average Monthly Temperatures We hope you'll accept a big ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE for your interest in this guide and in our beloved hometown. YOU are the reason SedonaHappy.com exists. ^ Jump Up To The Top of This Page >> Go to to the Sedona-Happy HOME page from this Sedona Arizona Weather page. ![]() The Real Sedona AZ If you'd like to "share-it-forward," and help more people get this Sedona goodness, remember to mention this site to some people. Bookmark it. Share it. Fave it. Link to it. Keep this site growing strong! Thanks all. Detailed Guide To Sedona Arizona Weather |